Humus sapiens

Sciences, agriculture et formation

Zurich et Munich

Humus sapiens

de Julian Chollet (mikroBIOMIK), Maya Minder, et dusjagr

Open Soil: Research on the secret ingredients that make plants happy. Let’s explore what is going on in the ground beneath our feet. Let's dig deeper together. Your contribution to a soil solution!

225 %
EUR 20’252
62 contributeur*rices
Biohack Retreat Klöntal 2017

Sciences, art et environnement

Glaris et Zurich

Biohack Retreat Klöntal 2017

de dusjagr et Maya Minder,

Biohacking is Citizen Science! With YOU we enable this unique global gathering of biohackers and artists to give you an insight of how an open collaborative exchange can rethink the world we live in.

243 %
CHF 18’288
51 contributeur*rices
Gasthaus: ferment & bacteria



Gasthaus: ferment & bacteria

de Maya Minder,

Social Cooking Culture, Biohacking, DIY Kitchen Lab, Social Transformation, Biologic Wisdom, Citizen Science, Kefir, Kombucha, Fermenation, Hospitality, Collaboration, Feminism, Bacteria, Biocapital.

102 %
CHF 2’040
18 contributeur*rices

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  • Projets réussis depuis 20127’511
  • Notre taux de réussite wemakeit62%
  • Nombre total de soutiensEUR 105.9 Mio
  • Membres de la communauté669’287