Hanna Stähli

Fatima shall be arriving


Athens and Mitilini

Fatima shall be arriving

by SAO Association

Fatima and other SAO clients with children depend on our supermarket coupons. This enables them to cover their basic needs and start integrating in Greece.

16 %
CHF 8’120
40 days to go
Fair is the Rose



Fair is the Rose

by Sestina Consort

SESTINA CONSORT is seeking your help to make its first CD! A beautiful programme of English consort songs and 17th century viol music.

120 %
CHF 3’600
47 backers

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  • Successful projects since 20127,298
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 102.9 m
  • Community Members648,041