Learning From The Earth

Editoria, ambiente e educazione


Learning From The Earth

di ILEA (Institute for Land and Environmental Art), lenawitschi e Johannes M. Hedinger

What can we learn from the earth? A Publication on the co-existence of humankind and the planet, based on the current art, education and research activities of ILEA in Safiental, Switzerland.

100 %
CHF 20’000
43 sostenitori
Living in the KREIS House

Scienza, architettura e ambiente


What does sustainable living look like and in particular, how does it feel? In the KREIS House, visitors experience a sustainable life style, and at the same time become part of a research project.

153 %
CHF 30’639
127 sostenitori
Tiny House & Pensiun Laresch

Design, architettura e turismo


Tiny House & Pensiun Laresch

di Berglodge Laresch

Ein Tiny House für die Berglodge! Unsere kleine Berglodge benötigt zusätzliche Zimmer damit sie selbsttragend wird. Für den geplanten Neubau eines Tiny House aus Vollmondholz brauchen wir deine Hilfe.

108 %
CHF 45’409
105 sostenitori
Getränke Insel braucht dich



Die Getränke Insel, das Wohlfühl-Lädeli im Kreis 6, soll weiter LEBEN - mit deiner Hilfe.

44 %
CHF 15’704
54 sostenitori
Arts~in~Transition (AiT)

Sociale, arte e educazione


Arts~in~Transition (AiT)

di Arts~in~Transition (AiT)

Arts~in~Transition co-creates spaces to explore and develop intercultural and artistic competencies of migrants, refugees and locals. We shape our diverse societies through creative workshops.

27 %
CHF 2’740
28 sostenitori

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  • Progetti realizzati dal 20127’511
  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiEUR 105.9 Mio
  • Membri della community669’281