'Contradictions' 2025 Album

Music and Art


After the releases of ’Trains & Churches’ (2018) and ’The Stranger’ (2020), I want to bring you an album with a different flavour. An album bringing you on journeys, observations and contradictions.

103 %
EUR 5’155
78 backers
New Album 'The Stranger'

Music and Performing Arts

Vienna, Oslip, and Litschau

New Album ’The Stranger’

by Somerset Barnard

Vienna - The greatest Theatre in the World. This album is bringing its stories to life - inspired by cafés, würstelstands and late night walks. All recorded in analogue by Container Recordings.

102 %
EUR 5’145
71 backers

Community and Education



by vogelfreiRAUM

Ein leerstehendes Schuhgeschäft und ein langgehegter Traum. Wir möchten einen offenen Raum der Begegnung und der kulturellen Vielfalt für Jung bis Alt in Rankweil realisieren.

114 %
EUR 7’999
60 backers

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