Biowaste into Wild Textiles

Startup, environnement et formation


With the help of bacteria, textiles are made out of fruit and vegetable residues; 100% compostable at home and 100% free of toxic chemicals.

6 %
EUR 450
29 jours restants
One Cello



One Cello

de Ivan Turkalj

With my solo album, I celebrate the cello: from enchanting exuberance to jazzy power, from ancient sounds to groovy noises. Join me in exploring the world of the Cello!

104 %
EUR 8’870
81 contributeur*rices

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  • Projets réussis depuis 20127’298
  • Notre taux de réussite wemakeit62%
  • Nombre total de soutiensEUR 103 Mio
  • Membres de la communauté648’722