Martin Mühlheim

Buchprojekt Sans-Papiers

Politica, giornalismo e sociale


Buchprojekt Sans-Papiers

di Rotpunktverlag

Sans-Papiers müssen oft versteckt leben. Das Buch «Die Unsichtbaren. Sans-Papiers in der Schweiz» gibt ihnen eine Plattform und macht ihre Geschichten in Texten und Fotos erfahrbar.

107 %
CHF 15’109
157 sostenitori
"As It Is" Production 2019

Arti sceniche


Our newest piece, «As It Is», will be on stage this December. It will mark our leap as a company from amateur to professional. We are hoping you can help us make sure the production happens!

101 %
CHF 7’257
70 sostenitori
Zurich Shakespeare Festival

Festival e letteratura


Zurich Shakespeare Festival

di Zurich Shakespeare Festival 2016

We’re celebrating Shakespeare’s 400th death anniversary & the 125th anniversary of the English Department at UZH. Readings, performances, concerts & more are promised- all are welcome!

133 %
CHF 2’000
34 sostenitori
165 celebration days: Dada!

Mostre, festival e arte


165 celebration days: Dada!

di Adrian Christopher Notz e Cabaret Voltaire

In 2016 Dada will celebrate its 100th anniversary. Cabaret Voltaire will commemorate this happening by holding 165 days of festivities and by presenting a special exhibition. Support us in our activities and receive in return your personal holiday.

101 %
CHF 101’310
157 sostenitori
Imaginary Wanderings No. 1

Editoria e design

Meggen, Basilea e Zurigo

Lake Lucerne and the Gotthard, like you have never seen them before! An interactive box with 12 tableaus to fold out, open up and cut up makes the invisible visible.

106 %
CHF 15’961
78 sostenitori
Being O. – Documentary


Berna, Grosshöchstetten e Zurigo

O. is Nigerian, gay and has been on the run for ten years, because in his home country homosexuality is a crime. Switzerland is not granting O. asylum. He cannot go back. Where should he go?

125 %
CHF 12’543
132 sostenitori

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  • Sei tu a decidere quando pubblicare il tuo progetto
  • Progetti realizzati dal 20127’534
  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiEUR 106.3 Mio
  • Membri della community673’954