Buch "Blinder Fleck"

Publishing, architecture, and Community


Buch «Blinder Fleck»

by Michael Zinganel, Bernhard Hachleitner, and Michael Hieslmair

Nach 150 Jahren wird der Wiener Nordwestbahnhof stillgelegt um einem völlig neuen Stadtteil zu weichen. Hilf mit, eine Publikation zu dessen wechselvoller aber vergessener Geschichte zu verwirklichen.

171 %
EUR 12’850
111 backers
Cassette Culture Node.Linz

Exhibition, Music, and Community


Cassette Culture Node.Linz

by Wolfgang Dorninger

is an exhibition on Cassette Culture that is due to take place in Linz
in the spring of 2018 with your help. It is about taking a look at the
world with a tape in your hand.

104 %
EUR 7’345
116 backers
Saving: Die Stadt ohne Juden

Film and Community


Saving: Die Stadt ohne Juden

by Filmarchiv Austria

DIE STADT OHNE JUDEN / THE CITY WITHOUT JEWS (1924) is one of the most significant films in the history of Austrian cinema and it is a socio-political monument. Help us to save it from decaying!

114 %
EUR 86’419
713 backers
Puppen sterben besser!

Performing arts and Kids / Youth


Puppen sterben besser!

by Figurentheater LILARUM

Florian Feisel ist Grenzgänger zwischen den Künsten. Das Figurentheater LILARUM lädt ihn mit seinen Stücken «Der Herzkasper» (5+) und «Puppen sterben besser» (Erwachsene) zu einem Gastspiel nach Wien.

105 %
EUR 4’470
35 backers
20 years «owf» Sri Lanka

Publishing, Community, and Art

Wathuregama and Vienna

20 years «owf» Sri Lanka

by one world foundation

Authors, artists and experts describe in a book how a guest house in Sri Lanka succeeded in financing a school and thereby generating social, cultural and intellectual capital.

100 %
EUR 20’125
65 backers

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  • Successful projects since 20127,517
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 106 m
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