Werde BKa-Fan

Music, Journalism, and Art


Werde BKa-Fan

by bernerkulturagenda

Mit der BKa behältst du Kultur im Überblick – und in der Hand. Hilf uns Kultur mit dir zu matchen. Gib uns dein Geld.

4 %
CHF 2’100
35 days to go
Why men kill

Publishing, Politics, and Journalism


Why men kill

by Miriam Suter & Natalia Widla

We are planning a non-fiction book on the causes of sexual and domestic violence and femicide, focusing on the majority male perpetrators.

111 %
CHF 33’423
493 backers

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  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 102.9 m
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