tanzwerk Sabine Freuler

Manu Hartmann - New Album

Music and Performing Arts


Manu Hartmann - New Album

by Manu Hartmann and Doris Jrman

RIGHT NOW - My fifth album «there's something wrong» is in the starting blocks. Now I need your support to finish the album in time.

104 %
CHF 12’506
79 backers
Einmund "Stimmt"


Basel and Weimar

Ein Mann, ein Mund, ein Loop-Vocal-Artist. «Stimmt»: Ein Debut-Album mit vielseitigster Musik, 100% vielstimmige Ein-Mann-A-Cappella-Grooves!

114 %
CHF 4’001
39 backers

Games, Community, and Education



by Pascal Wohlwender

Als iPhone-App fordert das Basel-Quiz mit hunderten von Fragen aus diversen Themengebieten diejenigen Spielerinnen und Spieler heraus, die sich für die Stadt am Rheinknie interessieren.

101 %
CHF 3’050
24 backers
Juuz-CD: Sprache des Herzens

Music and Community


FRAGILE Suisse realisiert gemeinsam mit Juuzerinnen und Juuzern mit Hirnverletzung und den beiden Profi-Juuzern Natalie Huber&Bernhard Betschart eine CD. Unterstütze uns dabei, die CD zu realisieren!

121 %
CHF 26’669
159 backers
The Swiss Book of Bread

Food, Publishing, and Community

Basel and Lausanne

The definitive cookbook of 2020: learn to make delicious Swiss breads at home.

104 %
CHF 36’600
507 backers
Nina Dimitri + Band / new CD



Nina Dimitri launches a new CD with self-written songs in Italian and you have the chance to support and to be a part of this project, with wonderful rewards: the CD, private concerts and much more..

111 %
CHF 31’407
132 backers
9-Point-Inc. swiss TOUR

Music and Dance


Kilian Deisslers Band 9-Point-Inc. is going on tour through Switzerland with their fresh program «Kick the square». one tap dancer, 6 instruments and a mobile tap dancing stage with 9 different sounds

118 %
CHF 11’820
82 backers
Nia Promotion Film

Film and Dance

Münchenstein, Basel, and Liestal

Nia Promotion Film

by Nia Teacher Basel

Nia – eine wunderbare Tanztechnik die noch so unbekannt ist. Dies möchten wir, das Nia-Team Basel, mit einem Promotionfilm ändern und dazu brauchen wir deine Unterstützung.

104 %
CHF 3’653
44 backers
Goodbye Pumpwerk!

Community, Kids / Youth, and Sport


Goodbye Pumpwerk!

by Verein Trendsport

Goodbye Pumpwerk! It’s time for us to build a new roof over our heads! We want to ensure that our members and participants are able to enjoy their hobbies like skateboarding, BMX or scooters…in future at the portside of Basel.

108 %
CHF 27’103
181 backers

Photography, Publishing, and Tourism

Basel, Frick, and Bern


by Christine Kaufmann, Cornelia Biotti, and Rahel Messerli

Lateinamerika – 9 Länder – 13 Monate. Aus zahlreichen Portraits von Reisenden, deren Reiseberichten und einer illustrierten Lateinamerika-Karte entsteht das Buch «Viajeros».

120 %
CHF 13’260
107 backers
Takes Two To Tango


Basel, New York, and Los Angeles

Takes Two To Tango

by Anna Rossinelli

We are going to travel through the US to have an exchange with American musicians. Our experiences will be captuered in a film and a music album. Help us with the realization and be part of it.

103 %
CHF 51’579
247 backers
Smeh – Holland Tournée

Music and Kids / Youth

Westzaan, Amsterdam, and Oostendorp

Smeh – Holland Tournée

by Schlagzeug- und Marimba-Schule Edith Habraken

Ziel des Projektes ist es, andere Schlagzeug- und Marimba-begeisterte Jugendliche kennen zu lernen und nachhaltige persönliche und musikalische Kontakte zu knüpfen.

102 %
CHF 8’731
52 backers
Tap Dan's Scolarships

Kids / Youth, Dance, and Education

Winterthur and Chicago

Daniel Borak is invited as a guest teacher to the biggest tap festival in the world.19 dancers will accompany him to educate themselves & to perform with Daniel. Therefor they need support.

156 %
CHF 11’570
46 backers

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  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,534
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportCHF 105.9 m
  • Community Members673,962