At The Heart of Congo Kids

Wissenschaft, Kinder / Jugend und Bildung


At The Heart of Congo Kids

von Patricia Teixidor und Hugues Abriel

A pediatric doctor from the University Clinics of Kinshasa (DR Congo) needs to purchase scientific equipment to do his research and get advice from Swiss cardiologists. Can you help us?

231 %
CHF 16’183
69 Unterstützer*innen
Academic Medicine for Congo

Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft


Two young pediatric doctors from the University Clinics of Kinshasa (Congo) are invited to spend 5 weeks at the University of Bern to initiate and discuss research projects (cardiology and genetics).

154 %
CHF 9’268
57 Unterstützer*innen

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  • Erfolgreiche Projekte seit 20127’534
  • Unsere wemakeit-Erfolgsquote62%
  • Gesamtsumme der UnterstützungenCHF 105.9 Mio.
  • Community Members674’077