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566progetti coronati da successo vicino a Kyōto in gastronomia

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Abbiamo progetti un po’ dappertutto. Tuttavia, in questo momento non ce n’è di vicini a Kyōto. Chissà se ti interessa questo qui?
JAPPAN – Food Guide App

Gastronomia, design e turismo

Tokyo e Zurigo

JAPPAN – Food Guide App

di Harubaru Copy Club

JAPPAN is an app that guides travellers to selected restaurants and helps them discover the overwhelming variety of Japanese food – beyond sushi and ramen!

104 %
CHF 20’905
117 sostenitori

Gastronomia, festival e infanzia / giovani



di Swiss eat & meet

Unterstütze uns dabei, für das Weltpfadfinderlager (Jamboree) 2023 in Südkorea, ein Schweizer Essenszelt zu realisieren. Um das Projekt zu finanzieren, brauchen wir deine Unterstützung!

101 %
CHF 20’250
11 sostenitori
Help India Breathe!

Gastronomia, sociale e tecnologia

Zurigo, Mumbai e Delhi

Help India Breathe!

di Humane Warriors, Amal Mansoor e Naveen Shams

With a lack of food and oxygen supplies, the second wave of COVID has hit India hard leading to 2000+ deaths per day. Your support through oxygen supply, community kitchens & food kits can save lives.

147 %
CHF 44’129
288 sostenitori
My Name is Salt

Gastronomia e cinema

Gujarat e Zurigo

My Name is Salt

di Lutz Konermann e Farida Pacha

Do you ever wonder where the salt on your table comes from? Every year thousands of families move to a desert in India to extract it from the burning earth. Help us fund our documentary!

167 %
CHF 10’895
87 sostenitori
Donation for Afghanistan

Gastronomia e sociale

Kabul, Kandahar e Herat

Donation for Afghanistan

di Education_for_Integration

Since the country is under the control of the Taliban, the situation has gotten worse for the habitants. Many families are forced to flee from their homes and leave everything behind.

105 %
CHF 31’647
224 sostenitori
Greenhouse Bakery

Gastronomia e turismo


Greenhouse Bakery

di Marco, Coni e Roli

Für uns ist die Arbeit nicht nur ein Beruf, den wir jeden Tag ausüben, sondern ein Traum, den wir jeden Tag leben. Wir freuen uns über deine Unterstützung. Roland-Coni-Marco.

110 %
CHF 22’120
45 sostenitori
Bamboo VS Plastic Tupperware

Gastronomia e design

Berna, Zugo e Berlino

100% bamboo & natural rubber! Get ready for the Bento box trend and get the handmade bamboo tableware for on the road. Or what about some new storage containers for your fridge?

137 %
CHF 10’305
132 sostenitori
Gemüsefischen – Aquaponics at «Holzmarkt» Berlin

Gastronomia, agricoltura e tecnologia


Cultivation of crops and aquaculture in one resource saving system, under the same roof, on top of a roof. The idea is brilliant. But does it also taste?

107 %
EUR 21’599
336 sostenitori
Aquaponics in der West Bank

Scienza, gastronomia e agricoltura

Betlemme di Galilea

Aquaponic is a space- and water-efficient circulation system combining fish and vegetable production. In Bethlehem we plan to build three small-scale systems for demonstration and research purpose.

122 %
CHF 3’660
34 sostenitori
From Palestine with Love



From Palestine with Love

di From Palestine with Love

«From Palestine with Love» is much more than a collection of recipes – it gives an insight in the Palestinian hospitality and allows you to explore a new culture.

102 %
CHF 5’145
41 sostenitori
Café am Reumannplatz

Gastronomia e sociale


Ein Café, ein Kultur- und ein Freiraum. Mittagsmenü, ausgewählte Drinks (mit und ohne Alkohol), selbstgebackener Kuchen und ein Raum für kleine Veranstaltungen – das braucht Favoriten.

104 %
EUR 15’640
58 sostenitori
Mucha x2 Royal

Gastronomia, musica e arti sceniche


Mucha x2 Royal

di Mucha x 2

Das erste Programm der Wiener Schwestern ist eine witzige Revue mit rotem und blauem Faden von Operette bis Musical. Das exquisite Buffet macht den Abend zu einem Genuss für alle Sinne.