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201successful projects close to Mosca in science

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Mosca. But this may be of interest to you.

Science, Community, and Technology

Berlin and Europa

We want to take part at the INNOTRANS-fair in Berlin in September and we need the money for participating!

122 %
EUR 3’685
73 backers
Support to Ukrainian Editors

Science, Publishing, and Literature


Support to Ukrainian Editors

by Pierre Mounier, Caroline, and mmaryl

The war in Ukraine is impacting our colleagues in scholarly publishing - We set up the Supporting Ukrainian Editorial Staff program to provide editorial staff in Ukraine with the help they need

125 %
EUR 20’768
116 backers
Fascia Research Congress

Science, Community, and Education

Opole and Montreal

Fascia Research Congress

by Aleš Urbanczik

Grzegorz Jedrzejewski (Board member of the IPR Research Foundation) is researching the effects of a Basic SI Series on Body and Mind. He would like to take part in the 2022 Fascia Research Congress.

100 %
EUR 3’500
30 backers
The Glacier's Essence

Science, Publishing, and Art

Grönland and Glarus

The Glacier's Essence

by Martin Stützle

Wir erzählen in diesem Buch mit Fotografien und Kupferstichen Geschichten von Gletschern und Menschen in Grönland und der Schweiz. Texte von Klimaforschenden ergänzen die eindringlichen Bilder.

113 %
CHF 34’070
140 backers
KulturLabor «Atelier du Sud»

Science and Art

Vienna, Zurich, and Berlin

KulturLabor «Atelier du Sud»

by KulturLabor «Atelier du Sud» Wien

Das Residency-Projekt für Gäste aus dem globalen Süden fördert Vielstimmigkeit im Dialog der Kulturen. Bei uns wird Wissen verhandelt, getauscht u. geteilt. Hilf mit, Kultur in faire Bahnen zu lenken!

100 %
EUR 15’050
35 backers
Study Week Georgia 2018

Science, tourism, and Education


Study Week Georgia 2018

by Study Week Abroad 2018

We are 9 tourism students in Switzerland. For a study project, we would like to explore the variety that Georgia has to offer. Every support for our trip is greatly appreciated!

153 %
CHF 3’061
29 backers
Große Kostbarkeiten

Science, art, and Literature


Große Kostbarkeiten

by Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

Große Kostbarkeiten für die Zukunft sichern: 260 überdimensionale Bücher aus dem 18. und 19. Jh. brauchen deine Hilfe! Unterstütze uns dabei, sie zu restaurieren und in säurefreie Boxen umzulagern.

139 %
EUR 20’900
118 backers
The k.u.k. rogues' gallery

Science and Publishing


In the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, criminals from about 1890 to 1918 were photographically immortalized. We make a book with fascinating original photos and scientific contributions.

101 %
EUR 9’009
75 backers
Schattenkind – Sonnenkind

Science, Publishing, and Education


Traumata sind in unserer Gesellschaft noch immer ein Tabuthema, obwohl sie sehr weit verbreitet sind. Hilf mit, das Wissen über die Heilung von Traumata zu verbreiten und Stärken zu stärken.

100 %
EUR 2’501
23 backers
Your own TV sitcom

Science, Film, and Festival


Your own TV sitcom

by Kurt FRANK

The turbulent adventures of the ancient Roman bar owner Barrelius, his Germanic family, as well as some of the house slaves, regulars and legionnaires – INCLUDING YOU.

100 %
EUR 2’520
14 backers
El'Manuscript 2018

Science, Literature, and Education

Vienna and Krems an der Donau

El'Manuscript 2018

by Patricia Engel, Jürgen Fuchsbauer, Heinz Miklas

Travel/accomodation costs for invited speakers at the international conference El'Manuscript 2018 dedicated to the overall investigation and editing of historical manuscripts and early printed books.

110 %
EUR 3’320
6 backers
Sigmund Freud, Berggasse 19

Exhibition, Science, and Community


Sigmund Freud, Berggasse 19

by Sigmund Freud Museum

He was a taboo-breaker, creating a new image of man. Number 19 Berggasse, where Freud lived and worked, is undergoing renovation and his museum is to be enlarged. Help us to save this unique landmark!