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1370projects close to Gujjadi2 in environment

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Gujjadi2. But this may be of interest to you.
Stop Plastic! – Goa (India)

Kids / Youth, tourism, and Environment

Goa Velha and Lausanne

Stop Plastic! – Goa (India)

by Swiss Cetacean Society and Ivan

Help us launching an environmental awareness campaign in India! We fight plastic pollution, and protect the endangered marine wildlife of Goa.

101 %
CHF 20’329
189 backers
Uataueist Project

Community, Performing arts, and Environment

Kanchipuram, Bengaluru, and Verscio

Uataueist Project


The Project:1)Creation of the show PLASTIKKATTI using recycled material.2)One month workshop with the students of KATTAIKKUTTU SANGAM.3)Creation of a collective show with the students.

104 %
CHF 6’273
60 backers
For the Kids health in India

Science, Kids / Youth, and Environment

Hyderabad and Delhi

Air Pollution is a major issue in India, especially this time of the year! We want to provide school kids with an N95 PM 2.5 anti pollution facemask to help protecting their health.

8 %
CHF 440
6 backers
earthship biotecture

Architecture, Community, and Environment


earthship biotecture

by Alexander & Raphael

Upcycling & recycling waste (mostly old tyres, bottles & cans) to build lovely self sustainable cottages & houses. Supporting locals to get conscious about the waste situation in India & create benefit

3 %
EUR 365
3 days to go
Leo 2016



Leo 2016

by Association Terre et Faune

Help us to raise the funds to build a recreational space for the leopards where they can spend a few hours per day in a plant enriched semi-natural space.

109 %
CHF 21’957
23 backers
Community Event India

Community, Environment, and Education

Pratap Nagar

Community Event India

by Naima.Monte

Ich bin Naima und seit einem Jahr arbeite ich ehrenamtlich bei Buy Food with Plastic. Zusammen mit DIR möchte ich beim nächsten Community Event 250 Menschen mit einer warmen Mahlzeit versorgen.

31 %
CHF 446
14 backers
Help the Helpers – Sri Lanka

Community and Environment


Drinkable water for Sri Lankan families. We search supporters for our «Help the Helpers» project, financing water filters donated to the poorest of the poor.

127 %
EUR 1’270
23 backers
A Book about Desire

Exhibition, Publishing, and Environment

Zurich and New Delhi

A Book about Desire

by Raphael Perret

This publication documents «Recycling Yantra», an art project portraying the informal e-waste recycling network in Delhi and lets a diverse group of authors share their views on the situation.

105 %
CHF 5’790
52 backers
Fight Hunger, Fight Corona

Food, Community, and Environment

Zürich, Mumbai, and Delhi

Fight Hunger, Fight Corona

by Naveen Shams and Rhythima

Social Distancing is a luxury for the world's poor. India’s 21 day lockdown has thrown thousands of daily wage workers out of jobs. Help vulnerable families and the unemployed buy food & medicines.

165 %
CHF 41’440
391 backers
Pangong Project

Sport and Environment


Pangong Project

by Pangong Project

On the edge of the highest peaks in the world, a very high altitude diving expedition in a remote lake, lost in the mountains of the Himalaya

140 %
CHF 21’070
94 backers
Aqua Dolpa, Népal

Agriculture, Community, and Environment


Aqua Dolpa, Népal

by Népal-Evolution

Le projet de l’association Nepal-Evolution est de créer un accès facilité à l’eau pour la population du village de Phoksundo au Népal. Aidez-nous à le concrétiser!

7 %
CHF 3’942
28 backers
A greenhouse for Embalama

Agriculture, Community, and Environment


A greenhouse for Embalama

by vitamintexte and Snowland Children Foundation

We need building material! With this and your support we would like to build a greenhouse in the Tibetan mountain village of Embalama to supply the village population with organic vegetables and more.