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359projects close to Gboto in politics

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Gboto. But this may be of interest to you.
Swiss Youth in Marrakech

Politics and Community


Swiss Youth in Marrakech

by Swiss Youth for Climate

Swiss Youth for Climate is going to COP22 in Marrakech in order to make sure that the promises born from the Paris Agreement adopted last year at COP21 are translated in concrete & ambitious actions.

112 %
CHF 5’640
57 backers
Leben aus dem Grab - Band 1

Science, Politics, and Literature

Alexandria and Weinfelden

Leben aus dem Grab - Band 1

by Inspyred Research

Unterstütze Band 1 einer bewegenden Trilogie. Ein verzweifelter ägyptischer Agent entdeckt in Venedig den ursprünglichen Zweck der Pyramiden und verhindert so den nuklearen Supergau durch Islamisten.

37 %
CHF 1’920
13 backers
Indigene Lobbyreise und Film

Politics, Community, and Environment

Geneva, Rome, and Paris

Indigene Lobbyreise und Film

by Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker

Die Zerstörung des Amazonasregenwaldes ist dramatisch. VertreterInnen von indigenen Gemeinschaften wollen in Europa und Nordamerika über die prekäre Lage aufklären und Lösungen diskutieren.

142 %
CHF 21’304
181 backers
1 Stadtkarte + 2 Leporellos

Publishing, Politics, and Community


1 Stadtkarte + 2 Leporellos

by tOmi Scheiderbauer

Mit deiner Hilfe entwickeln und produzieren wir - VON UND FÜR GEFLÜCHTETE - eine alternative Stadtkarte von Lecce und zwei Leporellos, exklusiv für die Strassenverkäuferinnen von Lecce.

130 %
EUR 7’830
56 backers
Humanitäre Hilfe auf Lesbos

Politics, Community, and Education

Lesbos Prefecture

Nach einem Volunteering auf Lesbos und einem Volunteering in Calais habe ich mich dazu entschieden, meinen Job aufzugeben und für mehrere Monate nach Lesbos zu reisen um Menschen in Not zu helfen.

183 %
CHF 5’518
51 backers
Transparency of libraries

Politics and Community

Geneva and Dübendorf

Transparency of libraries

by Christian Gutknecht

Help me to finance an appeal against the University of Geneva. The university should make their subscription fees to Elsevier, Springer and Wiley transparent .

120 %
CHF 6’045
76 backers
Recours contre l'aéroport GE

Politics and Environment


L’aéroport de Genève veut étendre ses conditions d’exploitation pour augmenter les vols, aggravant ainsi le bruit, la pollution et les impacts climatiques. Nous faisons recours contre ce règlement.

122 %
CHF 12’250
71 backers
Investigating use of data

Publishing, Politics, and Journalism


Investigating use of data

by Serge Michel,, and Fondation pour l'innovation et la diversité dans l'information

An investigation into how our data is used by corporations such as SBB, La Poste, Coop, Migros, health insurers and others. It is in the public interest to understand what they do with it.

105 %
CHF 42’209
434 backers
Dancing the Political

Politics, Community, and Dance


Dancing the Political

by Compagnie Mûes, Héloïse Dell'Ava Luna, and Saed Mansour

Support Dancing the Political! A workshop & performance project based on the political aspect of our dancing bodies,facilitated by dancers Saed Mansour from Palestine & Héloïse Dell'Ava from Geneva.

100 %
CHF 8’000
29 backers
Hijos del viento @ VDR

Film and Politics


Hijos del viento @ VDR

by Felipe Monroy

Après la visite des mères des faux positifs au festival Visions Du Réel en Suisse, nous faisons appel à la solidarité de nos amis pour rembourser le prêt des frais de leur visite.

100 %
CHF 5’295
9 backers
Elles, les (in)visibles

Film, Politics, and Community


Elles, les (in)visibles

by Maevia Griffiths

A documentary film on the lived realities of undocumented women in Geneva. They live in Geneva, they clean our offices, our houses, take care of your families, yet they remain invisible.

215 %
CHF 8’629
130 backers

Politics, Community, and Environment

Basel, Zürich, and Geneva


by Collective Climate Justice

In the summer of 2019, courageous climate activists blocked Crédit Suisse & UBS in Basel & Zurich demanding a climate-friendly future. Now the legal-process awaits them. #Bankenprozesse