Andreas Genter

The Erlkings


Vienna e Zurigo

The Erlkings

di The Erlkings

For our first Album «The Erlkings: Esssential Collection» we have chosen 12 of Schubert’s best songs and re-imagined them into the 21st century. Not only for Schubert Fans – Guaranteed!

102 %
EUR 10’293
139 sostenitori
Alte Trotte Haltingen.

Architettura, sociale e arte

Basilea, Weil am Rhein e Huningue

Alte Trotte Haltingen.

di Beatrice Gehrmann

A winegrower’s house, in the middle of the «Dreiländereck», needs your help. In 2009 it burnt down, and has been derelict since then. Now we want to rebuild it again.

7 %
EUR 7’584
46 sostenitori

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  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiEUR 105.7 Mio
  • Membri della community667’361