Music Video in 3D

Film, musique et art


Music Video in 3D

de Nicolaj Ésteban

The band «Loveboy and His Imaginary Friends» consists of three 3D characters and one human. To produce their first real music video they're seeking to assemble the necessary funds.

103 %
CHF 3’516
33 contributeur*rices
Good Bye! Vinyl production



Good Bye! Vinyl production

de Nicolaj Ésteban

The album «Good Bye!» was released digitally. There's a demand for vinyls but the initial capital for production is missing. A crowdfunding makes it possible to collect the financial resources.

162 %
CHF 2’435
24 contributeur*rices
A Vantastic Story

Film, design et musique


Arts, Music and Design packed on a bus headed towards you. «A Vantastic Story» is all about the creative collaboration everywhere at any time. An office on wheels would be the perfect tool!

28 %
CHF 5’760
34 contributeur*rices

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  • Gratuit jusqu’à la réussite du projet
  • C’est vous qui décidez quand votre projet devient public
  • Projets réussis depuis 20127’465
  • Notre taux de réussite wemakeit62%
  • Nombre total de soutiensEUR 105.3 Mio
  • Membres de la communauté664’581