One Cello



One Cello

di Ivan Turkalj

With my solo album, I celebrate the cello: from enchanting exuberance to jazzy power, from ancient sounds to groovy noises. Join me in exploring the world of the Cello!

104 %
EUR 8’870
80 sostenitori
Empowering Indigenous Women.

Commercio equo, sociale e ambiente

Padre Abad

Empowering Indigenous Women.

di BluoVerda Deutschland e.V.

Do you know why the empowerment of indigenous women is so important? Indigenous women have their unique knowledge, which is very useful and effective for sustainable development initiatives.

119 %
EUR 8’930
49 sostenitori
Listen to our Cry


Karlsruhe e Kürnbach

Listen to our Cry

di Reinhold Friedrich

Heavenly harmonies, the archaic sounds of the Jewish shofar, volcanic eruptions of trumpet and piano and lyrics sungs by soprano Dorothee Mields – a mesmerising experience! Please help us!

111 %
EUR 27’799
175 sostenitori

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  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiEUR 106.3 Mio
  • Membri della community673’949