The Erlkings: Franz & Ludwig

Musique, art et littérature

Vienne, Londres et Naples

Join The Erlkings as they create their next studio recorded double-album, featuring Neapolitan mandolin virtuoso Marcello Smigliante Gentile and songs by Beethoven and Schubert!

106 %
EUR 15’933
138 contributeur*rices
Cello on Fire - The CD



All concerts cancelled? - NO PROBLEM!

I will make a studio recording of some of the best pieces from the last years' shows - be part of the process and support the project!

117 %
EUR 3’183
55 contributeur*rices
The Erlkings – D.S.M.

Musique et littérature


An exclusive pre-sale of The Erlkings long awaited second album: Schubert's Die Schöne Müllerin (D.S.M.) with new arrangements of all 20 songs of the cycle and readings of the 5 unset Müller poems.

116 %
EUR 9’333
151 contributeur*rices
Transoceanic – My debut CD



Almost autobiographical, Transoceanic features works that represent my artistic intentions and have marked my life as an artist and even on a personal level

111 %
EUR 9’500
133 contributeur*rices

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  • Gratuit jusqu’à la réussite du projet
  • C’est vous qui décidez quand votre projet devient public
  • Projets réussis depuis 20127’511
  • Notre taux de réussite wemakeit62%
  • Nombre total de soutiensEUR 105.9 Mio
  • Membres de la communauté669’284