Catherine Meyer
Science, Film, and Agriculture
Bern and Maur
The First Vegan Farmer
by Archiv für Agrargeschichte
Agriculture and Fair Trade
Let's build this bridge!
by Mahler & Co. feine Biowaren
Kids / Youth, Environment, and Education
book «climate adventure»
by Alexandra
Publishing, Comics, and Kids / Youth
Lausanne and Basel
Comic-Buch Kira und Kooki
by KALEIO für Mädchen (und den Rest der Welt)
Startup and Community
wemakeit Crowd Takeover
by Team wemakeit
Music, Performing arts, and Literature
Zeitlieder 3
by Georg Clementi
Startup, Community, and Education
Zürich, Geneva, and Lugano
unboxing cycles - the hub
by unboxing cycles, Maja Juzwiak, and Marina Hagen