Christoph Moerikofer

Betongold Matthäus poster

Publishing, Politics, and Community


Betongold Matthäus poster

by Stadt für Alle

A free poster for everyone to make it more tangible who owns the city and what this has to do with us. The third information project from the Betongold poster series for more transparency in ownership

30 %
CHF 2’415
10 days to go
Neue Tribüne

Performing Arts


Neue Tribüne

by Cirque de Loin

Im Cirque de Loin treffen sich Schauspiel, Zirkus, Physical Theatre, Trash und Poesie. Um weiter mit dem Zelt touren zu können, brauchen wir eine neue Tribüne für unser beloved Publikum.

103 %
CHF 20’786
150 backers

Startup, Community, and Environment



by Leihlager, Noël, and Meret

At the start of 2020 we want to open the first Leihlager in Basel – a library of things, where you can borrow great objects at low prices: Tools, kitchen utensils, camping equipment and much more!

125 %
CHF 18’895
164 backers

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  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
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