Hansruedi Egli

New stage for heartevents

Performing arts, Festival, and Kids / Youth


New stage for heartevents

by Earth Spirit Events

Help us finance new infrastructure so we can continue to organize sustainable events for our family-friendly and respectful community!
A balm for the soul in a wholesome atmosphere.

36 %
CHF 5’792
9 days to go
Ceramics studio&shop Erlach

Design, Community, and Art


In March 2025 I will open my ceramic shop-studio in the middle of the beautiful town of Erlach. Support local professional ceramic craftsmanship & become part of the art and design label FETTE TONE!

104 %
CHF 15’675
108 backers

Film, architecture, and Community



by Daniel Schifferli I Summit Vision Media

Wie wollen wir leben? Die Doku-Serie «Webergut – Eine Reise ins Morgen» begleitet ein mutiges Wohnprojekt und zeigt, wie nachhaltiges, gemeinschaftliches Leben in urbanen Räumen möglich wird.

114 %
CHF 11’417
76 backers
Hand in Hand



Hand in Hand

by Tamara Bangerter, signsign

Gleichberechtigung und Inklusion dank Dolmetscher:innen. Hilf mit, barrierefreie Kommunikation für gehörlose Menschen in der Schweiz zu fördern.

102 %
CHF 8’210
80 backers

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  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,534
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportCHF 105.7 m
  • Community Members672,521