Lena and the wonder flowers

Enfants / jeunesse, littérature et environnement

Lichtensteig et Zurich

Lena and the wonder flowers

de Judith et Jenya

An engaging, highly topical book about mindfulness, cooperation and sustainability for people both big and small, by Judith and Jenya.

117 %
CHF 14’050
204 contributeur*rices
Sigga and the Elixir

Publication, enfants / jeunesse et littérature

Berne et Zurich

Sigga and the Elixir

de Stefanie et Jenya

We would like to tell you the adventurous story of Sigga, a brave Icelandic girl, and of her animal friends. Our picture book for children is both a Christmas tale and an Advent calendar.

101 %
CHF 10’145
108 contributeur*rices

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  • Notre taux de réussite wemakeit62%
  • Nombre total de soutiensEUR 106.3 Mio
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