Neapolitan Songs vol.3

Musique, art et littérature


Neapolitan Songs vol.3

de Bryan Davis Benner

«Li Pisce Tornano!» means the fishes are back! It's also the title of our long awaited 3rd album of Neapolitan songs, featuring 11 exceptional arrangements by the legendary duo Cigliano & Gangi.

105 %
EUR 10’507
75 contributeur*rices
"Weissensee" by Bryan Benner

Musique, art et littérature

Vienne, Zurich et Weissensee

«Weissensee» by Bryan Benner

de Bryan Davis Benner

Recorded in the woods above a lake and town of the same name, «Weissensee» is the second self-recorded solo album of American turned Austrian singer songwriter Bryan Benner.

124 %
EUR 6’228
71 contributeur*rices
Neapolitan Songs Vol.2

Musique, art et littérature

Vienne, Wurtzbourg et Klagenfurt

Neapolitan Songs Vol.2

de Bryan Davis Benner et Václav Fuksa

International Troubadours Bryan Benner (USA) and Václav Fuksa (CZ) are back with their second album of virtuosic Neapolitan songs for two guitars and voice, dedicated to the great Cigliano/Gangi duo!

125 %
EUR 8’789
59 contributeur*rices
Bryan Benner: The Modern Man


Vienne, Londres et New York

Bryan Benner: The Modern Man

de Bryan Davis Benner

Frontman and founder of The Erlkings, Die Wandervögel and The Pool Boys, Bryan Benner presents his first solo album of original songs.

128 %
EUR 6’425
112 contributeur*rices
Hanke Brothers


Amsterdam, Sindelfingen et Vienne

Hanke Brothers

de Hanke Brothers

Classical music, pop, jazz, techno? Doesn't matter! The groove connects everything. 4 brothers with an unique instrumentation: recorder, tuba, viola and piano. Help us to realize our first album!

128 %
EUR 11’584
143 contributeur*rices
BB and The Pool Boys «Debut»



BB and The Pool Boys «Debut»

de Bryan Davis Benner

A chance to preorder the long awaited debut album of Bryan Benner and the Pool Boys! The songs of an American troubadour meet two outstanding Austrian musicians. Voice/guitar, cornet, and double bass.

123 %
EUR 6’887
125 contributeur*rices

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