'Contradictions' 2025 Album

Musica e arte


After the releases of ’Trains & Churches’ (2018) and ’The Stranger’ (2020), I want to bring you an album with a different flavour. An album bringing you on journeys, observations and contradictions.

28 %
EUR 1’400
19 giorni rimanenti
Brennholz rocks again

Musica e infanzia / giovani


Brennholz rocks again

di Brennholz.Rocks

Müpfige Rockmusik für Kinder und solche die es noch werden wollen: die produziere ich gerade. Album Nr 2. Damits weiter geht, brauch ich euch! Kommt an Bord, Brennheads, der Schneekapitän wartet!

114 %
EUR 9’075
129 sostenitori
New Album 'The Stranger'

Musica e arti sceniche

Vienna, Oslip e Litschau

New Album ’The Stranger’

di Somerset Barnard

Vienna - The greatest Theatre in the World. This album is bringing its stories to life - inspired by cafés, würstelstands and late night walks. All recorded in analogue by Container Recordings.

102 %
EUR 5’145
71 sostenitori
David und der Wolf



David und der Wolf

di David Stellner

David und der Wolf machen ein Album.

102 %
EUR 6’129
79 sostenitori
Bryan Benner: The Modern Man


Vienna, Londra e New York

Bryan Benner: The Modern Man

di Bryan Davis Benner

Frontman and founder of The Erlkings, Die Wandervögel and The Pool Boys, Bryan Benner presents his first solo album of original songs.

128 %
EUR 6’425
112 sostenitori
Wandervögel – Trüffelräuber



Wandervögel – Trüffelräuber

di Raphael Widmann e Bryan Davis Benner

This is your chance to pre-order «Trüffelräuber», the newest album by Die Wandervögel. If you enjoyed our EP «Schenket Ein», soon you’ll have a full length album of our new take on the folk songs of A

117 %
EUR 6’504
82 sostenitori
DAWA – the third album



Our third album turned out better than expected – unfortunately more expensive too... We need your support! Make it happen!

120 %
EUR 7’850
206 sostenitori

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