Laurence Défago

Jardins Vivants

Agriculture, Environment, and Animals


Jardins Vivants

by Kate Amiguet pour Fondation MART

Nous voulons recréer des espaces sauvages sur les terrains des gens pour favoriser la biodiversité. On a besoin d'aide pour financer notre projet Jardins Vivants.

10 %
CHF 1’260
26 days to go
Hilf Frodo & seinen Freunden

Agriculture and Animals


Hilf Frodo & seinen Freunden

by Naturhof Waltwil4

Unterstütze den dringend nötigen Stallumbau auf dem Lebenshof Naturhof Waltwil4 und schenke Frodo und seinen Freunden, geretteten und ehemaligen Nutztieren, ein sicheres und glückliches Zuhause.

108 %
CHF 21’670
168 backers
Mobile plant bakery

Food, Startup, and Fair Trade


Mobile plant bakery

by Aux Pains Sans Peines

A foodtruck for the first plant-based bakery in French-speaking Switzerland, set up by former livestock farmers!

120 %
CHF 24’111
222 backers
Cave à fromage

Agriculture and Animals


Soutenez nous en contribuant pour la construction d’une cave d’affinage pour nos fromages à raclette d'alpage au feu de bois.

102 %
CHF 20’400
74 backers
A nice house for the pigs

Community, Environment, and Animals


A nice house for the pigs

by Association Coexister and Virginia Markus

A building adapted to the needs of animals that have escaped from slaughterhouses and are living happily in the sanctuary of the association «Coexister»

112 %
CHF 77’491
502 backers
Vegan Surprises

Food, Startup, and Community


Vegan Surprises

by Angéline

My Vegan Box is a surprise box of vegan products to receive at home, anywhere in Switzerland. It is also the promotion of small businesses and financial support for an animal shelter in Switzerland.

42 %
CHF 6’368
51 backers

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  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportCHF 105.2 m
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