Markus Eichenberger

Oneness and Beyond

Cinema e sociale

Zurigo e Sedona

Oneness and Beyond


A documentary film about the current change of human consciousness from separation and suffering towards oneness - about the journey of awakening, accompanied by beautiful images from nature.

104 %
CHF 22’000
112 sostenitori
Debut EP | Down On Earth



Wir sind Down On Earth, eine schweizer Indie Folk Band.
Starke Texte, tanzbare Rhythmen und energiegeladene Live Auftritte machen uns aus.
Dies ist unsere Debut EP «Until The Moment Has Passed».

124 %
CHF 6’240
63 sostenitori
To the Edge of the World

Scienza e editoria


To the Edge of the World

di Sandra Walser

How a Swiss became one of the the first polar tourists in history... A journey through space, time, and the mystical landscapes of the High North. (Please note: The book will be published in German.)

216 %
CHF 23’867
115 sostenitori

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