Marlene Wegmann Oswald

Support Zurich's Performers!

Sociale e arti sceniche


Support our young amateur talents from Zürich area to learn the art of musical theatre and perform in a professional stage production - «Little Shop of Horrors» - at the renowned Millers Theatre.

104 %
CHF 20’955
113 sostenitori
Cabaret Musical Theatre

Musica, arti sceniche e infanzia / giovani


Cabaret Musical Theatre

di Close Encounters Theatre

Support our young amateur talents from Zürich area to learn the art of musical theatre and perform in a professional stage production - «Cabaret» - at the renowned Millers Theatre.

102 %
CHF 24’500
112 sostenitori
Spring Awakening the Musical

Musica, arti sceniche e infanzia / giovani


Support our young talents from 15 nationalities to learn the art of theatre and perform in the rock musical «Spring Awakening» on a professional stage in one of the most renowned theatres in Zurich.

120 %
CHF 21’605
96 sostenitori

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  • Progetti realizzati dal 20127’534
  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiEUR 106.3 Mio
  • Membri della community673’962