TRASH ME (if you can)

Arte, ambiente e educazione


TRASH ME (if you can)

di phunkenwerk

Kafkas ’Die Verwandlung’ völlig neu interpretiert! Mit eurer Unterstützung bringen wir den Prager Düsterboy auf performative Art und Weise mit den drängenden Umweltthematiken unserer Zeit zusammen!

100 %
EUR 650
22 sostenitori
Susanne Hager // Debut Album



From business to music, from the office to the stage. It wasn’t an easy path, but now I’m fulfilling my biggest dream! 10 songs. Jazz, Pop, Soul. Thank you so much for YOUR support!

100 %
EUR 12’096
100 sostenitori
About the end and beginning



About the end and beginning

di VomEndeundAnfang

In an interdisciplinary short film the break up moment of Paul and Nora, two mid-twenties in their shared apartment, will be told.

101 %
EUR 10’131
73 sostenitori

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  • Paghi solo se il tuo progetto ha successo
  • Sei tu a decidere quando pubblicare il tuo progetto
  • Progetti realizzati dal 20127’511
  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiEUR 105.9 Mio
  • Membri della community669’275