Giniginamar: The Album


Vienne et Zurich

Giniginamar: The Album

de Bryan Davis Benner et Christoph Zimper

Your chance to pre-order the long awaited recording of Bryan Benner and Christoph Zimper's legendary collaboration on the island of Fuerteventura.

105 %
EUR 7’388
65 contributeur*rices
Double Phaces - CD di debutto



Il Sargas Duo, fondato a Vienna nel 2013 da Massimiliano Girardi ai sassofoni e Luca Lavuri all'organo, è un duo particolare. Realizzeranno il loro Cd di debutto con rielaborazioni e brani originali.

107 %
EUR 9’645
97 contributeur*rices
BB and The Pool Boys «Debut»



BB and The Pool Boys «Debut»

de Bryan Davis Benner

A chance to preorder the long awaited debut album of Bryan Benner and the Pool Boys! The songs of an American troubadour meet two outstanding Austrian musicians. Voice/guitar, cornet, and double bass.

123 %
EUR 6’887
125 contributeur*rices
Trio KlaViS – CD Debut



«Geography of Sound» is a musical journey through different cultures, played by a passionate virtuoso ensemble consisting of piano, violin and saxophone. Wanderlust guaranteed!

114 %
EUR 6’896
62 contributeur*rices
Five Sax · Sax Voyage · DVD



We are FIVE SAX! A quintet featuring five musicians from around the world, which thrills audiences with a new, exciting way of performing. With this campaign you will help us record our first DVD!

106 %
EUR 6’377
28 contributeur*rices

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  • Gratuit jusqu’à la réussite du projet
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  • Projets réussis depuis 20127’534
  • Notre taux de réussite wemakeit62%
  • Nombre total de soutiensEUR 106.3 Mio
  • Membres de la communauté673’951