Shem Thomas – Album «8»



I’ve been working on my second album «8» for three years now. Besides writing all the music, I also produced the songs myself. With your help «8» shall see the light of day! Be part of it!

111 %
CHF 22’257
170 backers
Filmfestival Hummus&Popcorn

Film and Festival


Filmfestival Hummus&Popcorn

by Palestine Arts Filmfestival "Hummus und Popcorn"

Palästina ist bekannt für Hummus. Nun machen wir es bekannt für Filme! Vom 5.-7. September 19 organisieren wir im KOSMOS Zürich das Palestine Arts Filmfestival «Hummus & Popcorn». Wir brauchen dich!

106 %
CHF 10’610
102 backers
Platform for Upcycling

Design and Environment


Platform for Upcycling

by zweitesDesign

secondDesign wants to stimulate an increased awareness of sustainability within the community and draws attention to the potential that comes along with the process of upcycling

32 %
CHF 4’895
31 backers

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