Peter Menzel

Donation for Afghanistan

Cuisine et communauté

Kaboul, Kandahâr et Hérat

Donation for Afghanistan

de Education_for_Integration

Since the country is under the control of the Taliban, the situation has gotten worse for the habitants. Many families are forced to flee from their homes and leave everything behind.

105 %
CHF 31’647
224 contributeur*rices
Pavithra becomes a nurse!

Communauté et formation


Pavithra becomes a nurse!

de Henriette & Stephi

Pavithra lives in South India with her family and would like to train as a nurse. The aim is to support her in this by financing her training and her living costs.

107 %
EUR 4’240
53 contributeur*rices

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  • Projets réussis depuis 20127’047
  • Notre taux de réussite wemakeit62%
  • Nombre total de soutiensEUR 99.2 Mio
  • Membres de la communauté619’501