AltShift a degrowth festival

Festival, Environment, and Education

Gars am Kamp

AltShift a degrowth festival

by Shift Slow Association

A week of critical and creative educational content celebrating degrowth, community, ally ship and eco-social strategies. Support our vision and become a part of it!

130 %
EUR 6’506
98 backers
Clean drinking water for all

Science, Startup, and Community

Zürich, Sincelejo, and Río Verde

Clean drinking water for all

by Laura Stocco, Openversum

Our 50 water entrepreneurs need your help to provide 15'000 people with sustainable drinking water filters. Become the drop that starts the ripple and improves the lives of marginalized communities.

200 %
CHF 50’216
230 backers

Politics, Technology, and Environment



by M.Cslovjecsek and smilla

Wir entwickeln eine Pyrolyseheizung für den urbanen Raum. Brennstoff sind die Gase, die bei der Verkohlung von Holz entweichen. Die gewonnene Pflanzenkohle entlastet die Umwelt von schädlichem CO2.

102 %
CHF 30’650
55 backers
Minga Reforestation Project

Community, Environment, and Animals

El Chical

The Minga Reforestation Project is a reforestation project in Ecuador in one of the most biodiverse regions of the world. Help to make it really big for the climate and biodiversity!

101 %
CHF 25’450
161 backers
closeby – ökologisch reisen

Photography, Publishing, and Environment

Zürich, Windisch, and Basel

closeby – ökologisch reisen

by, Maja, and karinundmojo

closeby – Ein nachhaltiges Wanderbuch für Foto-Fans, Weltenbummler:innen und Weitgereiste. Zehn Wanderungen an Orte in der Schweiz, welche sich anfühlen, als wärst du ganz weit weg. 100% swiss made.

135 %
CHF 12’231
231 backers
Caulys Home Garden – V2

Food, agriculture, and Technology


Caulys Home Garden – V2

by Grégoire Gentile - Caulys

Caulys allows you to produce fresh, local produce all year round, without any effort, at the best price. Make your indoor vegetable garden profitable in less than 2 months!

202 %
CHF 20’204
38 backers
indieZ – Junger Journalismus

Journalism, Community, and Kids / Youth


indieZ – Junger Journalismus

by indieZ - Journalismus mit Zukunft

Das junge, unabhängige und moderne Online-Magazin ist da. Beim indieZ bringen wir kritische Berichterstattung auf Social Media und liefern jungen Menschen Qualitätsjournalismus mit Zukunft.

441 %
CHF 11’028
116 backers
NOW Care Instant Soaps

Startup, Community, and Environment

Lausanne and Bern

NOW Care Instant Soaps

by NOW Care - Larina

We’re explorers, We’re curious, We're NOW Care.
Make minimal-waste your lifestyle with our instant soap powder. Powder + Water + Shake = a practical and earth-friendly shower.

100 %
CHF 40’314
605 backers
An olive tree for Puglia

Agriculture, Community, and Environment

Ugento and Lausanne

Restoring a region’s former dignity while helping the planet: that’s the ambitious project L'Olivane has set itself! Offset your carbon footprint by sponsoring an olive tree in Puglia.

9 %
CHF 3’893
26 backers

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  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,534
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 106.3 m
  • Community Members673,953