
Festival, Environment, and Education
Gars am Kamp
AltShift a degrowth festival
by Shift Slow Association

Science, Startup, and Community
Zürich, Sincelejo, and Río Verde
Clean drinking water for all
by Laura Stocco, Openversum

Politics, Technology, and Environment
by M.Cslovjecsek and smilla

Community, Environment, and Animals
El Chical
Minga Reforestation Project
by Kenzo

Photography, Publishing, and Environment
Zürich, Windisch, and Basel
closeby – ökologisch reisen
by closeby.ch, Maja, and karinundmojo

Food, agriculture, and Technology
Caulys Home Garden – V2
by Grégoire Gentile - Caulys

Journalism, Community, and Kids / Youth
indieZ – Junger Journalismus
by indieZ - Journalismus mit Zukunft

Startup, Community, and Environment
Lausanne and Bern
NOW Care Instant Soaps
by NOW Care - Larina

Agriculture, Community, and Environment
Ugento and Lausanne
An olive tree for Puglia
by L'Olivane