A nice house for the pigs

Community, Environment, and Animals


A nice house for the pigs

by Association Coexister and Virginia Markus

A building adapted to the needs of animals that have escaped from slaughterhouses and are living happily in the sanctuary of the association «Coexister»

112 %
CHF 77’491
502 backers
Birds need help

Science, Community, and Environment


Birds need help

by Roxane Allemann pour le C.O.R

With over 2000 birds already received in 2019, the Centre Ornithologique of Genthod (Switzerland) is overflowing. It is urgent to replace our intervention vehicle and acquire new equipment.

14 %
CHF 5’896
66 backers
Epicerie en vrac à Morges

Food, Community, and Environment


Epicerie en vrac à Morges

by La Maison du vrac

La Maison du Vrac sera une épicerie au centre de la ville de Morges. En plus des thés et cafés que les clients retrouveront de l'ancienne Maison du Thé nous proposons une gamme de produits en vrac.

14 %
CHF 5’120
72 backers

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