Beyond art, Beyond shame



Three years... That's how long it took me to tame the piano, this instrument, an extension of my heart and my emotions. An evidence through which I can express myself freely.

107 %
CHF 16’102
176 Unterstützer*innen
Album Visuel – Laura Scaglia

Film und Musik


Réalisation du premier album visuel suisse : 5 titres narrés à travers un court-métrage de 15min, alliant musique et cinéma, dont le coeur du message prône la tolérance et la diversité.

101 %
CHF 15’220
63 Unterstützer*innen
AD INFINITUM – 1st album



If your mind can see what your eyes don’t show you, if your heart can hear what your ears never dare to whisper, this album will project you into another era.
A real jewel of symphonic power metal!

143 %
CHF 14’386
210 Unterstützer*innen

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