Schumann: Held & Payer



Schumann: Held & Payer

di Johannes Held

The songs of Robert Schumann belong to the most beautiful things to hear in the world of classical music. Together with you we want to release two song cycles on CD!

122 %
EUR 7’342
68 sostenitori
The Erlkings Do Schumann


Vienna e Londra

The Erlkings will never be done with Schubert but now we’ve set our sights on Robert Schumann and we’re going to take him for all he's worth, starting with «Dichterliebe» and «Liederkreis» (Op. 39).

109 %
EUR 16’351
185 sostenitori
The Erlkings – D.S.M.

Musica e letteratura


An exclusive pre-sale of The Erlkings long awaited second album: Schubert's Die Schöne Müllerin (D.S.M.) with new arrangements of all 20 songs of the cycle and readings of the 5 unset Müller poems.

116 %
EUR 9’333
151 sostenitori
small is beautiful



small is beautiful

di Stefan E.

Chamber music from the Baroque era – the source of big orchestral works. Our recording will prove that Johann Sebastian Bach composed the 2nd Brandenburg Concerto for small chamber ensemble.

100 %
EUR 9’040
90 sostenitori
Die Vergessenen



Die Vergessenen

di Rocko Schamoni

So viele vergessene Kunstwerke. Künstler. Songs. Ich möchte mich auf die Suche machen nach den schönsten Momenten der deutschsprachigen Popmusik und diesen neues Leben einhauchen. Live und auf CD.

109 %
EUR 41’701
625 sostenitori

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  • Progetti realizzati dal 20127’511
  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiEUR 105.9 Mio
  • Membri della community669’286