Solo Fingerstyle Guitar EP



Solo Fingerstyle Guitar EP

von Florian Desbaillet

Help towards mixing, mastering, artwork and pressing the release of my first 5 track EP which will feature 4 original pieces and an arrangement. It will be released on CD and streaming platforms.

127 %
CHF 3’186
48 Unterstützer*innen
Ice Cream Men. First Album



A rock & blues trio from Geneva who took the mission to spread the words of blues to the new generations. we are recording our first album.

183 %
CHF 6’175
67 Unterstützer*innen

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  • Erfolgreiche Projekte seit 20127’534
  • Unsere wemakeit-Erfolgsquote62%
  • Gesamtsumme der UnterstützungenEUR 106.4 Mio.
  • Community Members674’077