Alex von Hettlingen

SwissCheck: Ethical Shopping

Science, Startup, and Community


Be part of a revolution in online shopping! Join us in our mission to build an AI tool that will make shopping safer and more transparent!

146 %
CHF 16’100
79 backers
LeihBaràObjets Biel/Bienne

Startup, Community, and Environment


LeihBaràObjets Biel/Bienne

by Stiftung für Konsumentenschutz

Leihen ist das neue Kaufen! Seit April gibt es in Biel eine «Bibliothek von Dingen»: Die LeihBaràObjets! Um das Angebot auszubauen und bekannt zu machen brauchen wir deine Unterstützung!

109 %
CHF 8’770
110 backers
Alpomat: the mini farm store

Food, agriculture, and Environment


Alpomat: the mini farm store

by Alpomat and Kleinbauern-Vereinigung

A farm store, but in the middle of the city! The Alpomat offers the best regional farm and alpine products directly from the farm. Sustainable for all: fair prices, environmentally & animal friendly.

115 %
CHF 40’405
201 backers
Foodcoops für Alle!

Food, agriculture, and Community

Zürich and Basel

Foodcoops für Alle!

by Florian Jakober, Michael Zehnder, and Maike Hamacher

Foodcoops sind die nachhaltige Zukunft des Lebensmittelhandels: Wir entwickeln ein Starterkit und eine Webplattform, damit alle Interessierten in ihrer Nachbarschaft eine eigene Koop aufbauen können.

202 %
CHF 50’602
293 backers

Community, Technology, and Environment


by Stiftung für Konsumentenschutz

The brings you and your neighbourhood together to cook and eat together. The (free) app communicates wishes, ingredients and transport. Give the developers the go-ahead!

104 %
CHF 8’082
60 backers
Transform Music Education!

Music, Community, and Education


With your help we can continue our trajectory of transforming artistic education and delivering outstanding knowledge and support to a global community of musicians and music lovers.

100 %
CHF 12’575
30 backers
CO₂-Score of all foods

Science, Food, and Environment


CO₂-Score of all foods

by Manuel Klarmann and Judith Ellens

We aim to calculate the CO₂ balance of 109,000 food products - and to make this data publicly available free of charge. This still needs some preparatory work. Can you help?

136 %
CHF 53’336
485 backers

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  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
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  • Successful projects since 20127,534
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportCHF 105.8 m
  • Community Members672,601