Basel Life Digital!



Basel Life Digital!

di Basel Life

Basel Life Magazine goes digital! Find everything you need to know to make the most of your life in Basel—events, tips, and culture—at the click of a mouse on our new English-language online platform.

100 %
CHF 22’200
114 sostenitori
Artistic Swimming SVB

Infanzia / giovani e sport


Artistic Swimming SVB

di Artistic Swimming SVB

Artistic Swimming (formerly synchronized swimming) in Basel with 70 athletes wants to grow at all levels and promote the next generation. For this we need a second professional coach.

107 %
CHF 10’770
50 sostenitori
Hansel & Gretel/Lost & Found

Arti sceniche e infanzia / giovani


Hansel & Gretel/Lost & Found

di Betwixt & Between Theater

«Hansel & Gretel – Lost & Found» is a theater production addressing families with dialogue in English and German/ Swiss German. The play is a fresh approach to the well-known fairy tale.

166 %
CHF 9’178
44 sostenitori
Elfi's Sweet Truck – Basel

Gastronomia e startup

Basilea, Lörrach e Saint-Louis

Voici un véritable petit bijou pour ta fête: Elfi’s Truck. Merci de me soutenir dans mon projet, et ainsi dans l’acquisition de cette petite «Abeille»: un Piaggio Ape 50. La vie à Bâle ne sera que plus douce.

102 %
CHF 12’250
76 sostenitori
Bitch Queens – Album



Bitch Queens – Album

di Marcel – Bitch Queens

Bitch Queens release their new album «Kill Your Friends» 2014-10-31. The songs are recorded but even if the band did nearly everything to collect the money themselves we still need support.

132 %
CHF 3’967
76 sostenitori

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Tu ci metti il progetto e noi la competenza sul crowdfunding. Ottieni da subito il tuo finanziamento e fai conoscere la tua idea. I nostri esperti* sono felici di rispondere alle tue domande e di consigliarti dall’alto della loro qualificata esperienza di crowdfunding.

  • Paghi solo se il tuo progetto ha successo
  • Sei tu a decidere quando pubblicare il tuo progetto
  • Progetti realizzati dal 20127’511
  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiCHF 105.4 Mio
  • Membri della community669’278