Playing cards

Games and Art


Playing cards

by virtuhous_raptor

Do you like Japan? Do you like cards or magic? Do you like graphic design? Or simply enjoy small independent projects? Then this card game is for you!

102 %
CHF 3’980
89 backers
Agir pour la biodiversité

Agriculture, architecture, and Environment


Agir pour la biodiversité

by Votre Cercle de Vie

Join us to tackle hand in hand this crucial phase of implementing the ’Votre Cercle de Vie’ project! Together, we make the future bloom!

104 %
CHF 125’872
379 backers
Ivre de Plaisir

Food and Startup

Neuchâtel, Lausanne, and Sion

Ivre de Plaisir

by Luca Santos

«Ivre de Plaisir» ist der erste Schweizer Online-Shop für alkoholfreie Getränke. Egal ob Bier, Wein oder Zutaten für leckere Cocktails – auf der neuen Plattform werden alkoholfreie Träume wahr.

126 %
CHF 16’416
136 backers
Je suis indépendant.e

Journalism and Community


Le Podcast! Parce qu’être indépendant.e, c’est être bien plus qu’un statut. Il y a de l’audace, de la créativité, de la pugnacité et du panache chez ces entrepreneurs. Et si on les rencontrait?

240 %
CHF 24’035
75 backers
hiLyte: Ecological Battery

Science, Startup, and Environment


At hiLyte, we developed an ecological battery that is safe, low-cost, practical and on demand! Help us bring our prototype to emerging countries where kerosene is still used for lighting.

147 %
CHF 51’614
336 backers

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  • Successful projects since 20127,534
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportCHF 105.9 m
  • Community Members673,955