Too Big to Fail?!

Sociale, fumetti e letteratura


Too Big to Fail?!

di Edition Moderne

We are Edition Moderne, the comic publishing house from Zurich. We’re having financial difficulties and need your support to survive. Together we are too big to fail!

119 %
CHF 119’876
772 sostenitori
Impact Fund 2023 – Vol. 4



Impact Fund 2023 – Vol. 4

di Verein Impact2020 e Team wemakeit

Crise énergétique, dégradation de l’environnement et réchauffement climatique: l’horloge tourne! Car nous n’avons qu’une seule planète, soutenez l’Impact Fund 2023 et ses solutions variées 🌏💚

101 %
CHF 254’564
2628 sostenitori
NANI - 2 Generationen kochen

Gastronomia, editoria e ambiente


NANI - 2 Generationen kochen

di Lea & Katha | NANI

NANI ist ein Kochbuch von und für Nani. Zwei Generationen kochten gemeinsam durchs Jahr um Nanis Bündner Klassiker und Lieblingsrezepte nach Saisons in einem Kochbuch zu verewigen.

108 %
CHF 54’363
386 sostenitori
Hilf der Kantine Attisholz

Gastronomia, musica e sociale


Hilf der Kantine Attisholz


Wir wollen die Krise überleben und die Arbeitsplätze all unserer Mitarbeiter sichern. Das schaffen wir aber nicht aus eigener Kraft. Dafür brauchen wir dringend deine Unterstützung!

100 %
CHF 22’061
124 sostenitori
Goldbarne – «Wintergreen»


Berna e Basilea

Goldbarne is back! We’ve recorded new songs and cannot wait to release our sophomore record, «Wintergreen»! We invite you to become a part of our team and support us!

110 %
CHF 4’420
65 sostenitori
CD production Con-Tact



CD production Con-Tact

di Natalie Eichenberger

Con-Tact is a CD production with music composed by Nehad El Sayed (Egypt) for a chambre music quintet.

105 %
CHF 11’585
39 sostenitori
Goldbarne Debut Album


Lucerna, Berna e Basilea

Goldbarne Debut Album

di Frank Lumière

Goldbarne have just recorded their full-length debut album. Please help us fund the production (mixing, mastering, design, website) and we will thank you with our beautiful music!

164 %
CHF 4’940
57 sostenitori

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Tu ci metti il progetto e noi la competenza sul crowdfunding. Ottieni da subito il tuo finanziamento e fai conoscere la tua idea. I nostri esperti* sono felici di rispondere alle tue domande e di consigliarti dall’alto della loro qualificata esperienza di crowdfunding.

  • Paghi solo se il tuo progetto ha successo
  • Sei tu a decidere quando pubblicare il tuo progetto
  • Progetti realizzati dal 20127’534
  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiEUR 106.3 Mio
  • Membri della community673’950