New LineUp - New Album



New LineUp - New Album

di INFINITAS - Fantasy infused Melodic Metal

After the successful release of the songs XANA & KRATOS, everyone is eagerly awaiting an album with our new frontwoman, Mary Crane. Help us make this a reality! We plan to produce 5 epic videos too.

115 %
CHF 96’037
416 sostenitori
Die Klimafarming-Pioniere

Scienza, agricoltura e ambiente


Die Klimafarming-Pioniere

di Franz Keiser I Hof Wies

Der erste & bisher einzige klimapositive Bauernhof der Schweiz braucht Deine Unterstützung! Die Keisers sind mit ihrer Terra Preta erfolgreich und haben gesunde Böden, doch finanziell bleibt es eng.

106 %
CHF 63’828
179 sostenitori




di INFINITAS - Fantasy infused Melodic Metal

When there's a tight album, there has to be an even tighter sequel. What happened to Luntaris and the last survivors in that dark night and how does the story continue?

INFINITAS releases a new album

104 %
CHF 20’868
164 sostenitori

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  • Progetti realizzati dal 20127’374
  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiEUR 103.9 Mio
  • Membri della community654’603