Marco Kuhn
Politics, Community, and Environment
Umweltverantwortung jetzt!
by Junge Grüne | Jeunes Vert·e·x·s | Giovani Verdi
Politics, Community, and Environment
Wahlkampagne Junge Grüne CH
by Junge Grüne | Jeunes Vert·e·x·s | Giovani Verdi
Publishing, Comics, and Kids / Youth
Lausanne and Basel
Comic-Buch Kira und Kooki
by KALEIO für Mädchen (und den Rest der Welt)
Community, Environment, and Education
Zürich, Lausanne, and Bern
Die Schweiz der Zukunft
by Verein Klimaschutz Schweiz - Association Suisse pour la Protection du Climat
Journalism, Community, and Art
Basel, Zürich, and Bern
Die Petarde
by Wer braucht schon Satire?
Food, Startup, and Environment
Winterthur and Zürich
YUMETOFU est. 2021
by Yumemi and Geraldine