HUMUS sapiens retreat 2019

Scienza, agricoltura e educazione

Monaco di Baviera

HUMUS sapiens retreat 2019

di Julian Chollet (mikroBIOMIK), dusjagr e Josephine Blersch

Open Soil: We conduct research on the secret ingredients that make plants happy. Let’s explore what is going on in the ground beneath our feet. Your chance to join and support the project!

203 %
EUR 9’160
22 sostenitori
ReSeq: Reuse DNA Sequencers

Scienza, sociale e educazione


ReSeq: Reuse DNA Sequencers

di kaspar, jmarkham e bengtsjolen

We want to reuse older DNA sequencers and turn them into advanced instruments for more general scientific research. Help us develop software so everyone can repurpose and avoid wasting these machines.

200 %
CHF 10’048
27 sostenitori
Damien Hirst for Sale

Startup, design e arte

Shanghai, Zurigo e Basilea

Damien Hirst for Sale

di Jeremie Jean-Ferdinand Maret

Tout collectionneur d’art se doit d’avoir un Hirst dans ses toilettes. Un objet de design populaire disponible dès maintenant. Fabriqué en Chine et moins cher que tous les autres Hirsts disponibles.

101 %
EUR 42’420
106 sostenitori
C-LAB: a cultural laboratory

Agricoltura, sociale e arte


Help us to bring a historic farmhouse to life again and convert it into C-LAB, a place where interdisciplinary communication and creative production can happen. #code #arts #agro

101 %
EUR 15’153
98 sostenitori
«frfr gaht go ida-da»



«frfr gaht go ida-da»

di Johanna Saxen und Greg Tomlinson

In der Idastrasse 46 in Zürich verschmelzen ab 1.Mai – 31.Mai in einem Artist-Run Space Objekte, Installationen und performative Interventionen zu einem Kaleidoskop, dass das innere Kind wecken soll.

129 %
CHF 3’899
15 sostenitori
Torrent magazine

Editoria e arte

Zurigo, Parigi e Copenaghen

Torrent magazine

di Linda Jensen and Daniel Kurjakovic

Torrent is a yearly magazine focusing on source materials by artists, edited by Daniel Kurjakovic and Linda Jensen. It features previously unpublished material from artists ongoing research archives.

119 %
CHF 11’341
75 sostenitori
#LSD75 – Social Sculpture

Scienza, festival e arte


For the 75th jubilee of the LSD discovery, we create a «Social Sculpture»: a 4-day long space centered around LSD - for science, dialog, creativity and personal expression.

12 %
CHF 5’581
52 sostenitori

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  • Progetti realizzati dal 20127’465
  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiEUR 105.3 Mio
  • Membri della community664’544