Book project Clemens Ascher

Fotografia, editoria e arte

Vienna e Berlino

This book is the first major publication of Clemens Ascher's conceptual fine art photography. A monograph, with 160 pages, published and distributed worldwide by famous publishing house Hatje Cantz.

101 %
EUR 15’237
51 sostenitori
By the sweat of your brow

Fotografia e agricoltura

Zurigo e Innsbruck

By the sweat of your brow

di Sebastian Wagner

Every piece of bread has its story. With your support, this project follows the men and women whose livelihood is our daily bread and let a photo book tell the stories of humans on farms and ranches.

152 %
CHF 3’818
47 sostenitori
Saving: Die Stadt ohne Juden

Cinema e sociale


Saving: Die Stadt ohne Juden

di Filmarchiv Austria

DIE STADT OHNE JUDEN / THE CITY WITHOUT JEWS (1924) is one of the most significant films in the history of Austrian cinema and it is a socio-political monument. Help us to save it from decaying!

114 %
EUR 86’419
713 sostenitori

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  • Paghi solo se il tuo progetto ha successo
  • Sei tu a decidere quando pubblicare il tuo progetto
  • Progetti realizzati dal 20127’047
  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiEUR 99.3 Mio
  • Membri della community619’687