Dance Basel Festival

Performing arts, Festival, and Dance


Dance Basel – a new dance festival in Basel during the Art Basel week. We hope to support emerging choreographers by providing a quality platform during the world’s top art festival.

109 %
CHF 10’996
108 backers
House Of Yoga

Sport, Technology, and Education


House Of Yoga

by Midya & Vithu

Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Mind. Body. Spirit. We strive to offer quality online yoga courses, designed by certified yoga teachers. What if you could practice anywhere, at anytime !

103 %
CHF 20’783
33 backers
Ende Herbst

Photography, Film, and Education


Ende Herbst

by anouk woodhouse, Andi Hofmann, and KunstbluT

John möchte Fotograf werde, doch der Weg dorthin ist für den Aargauer Flüchtling schwer. Eine Kamera rettet ihn vor dem Absturz. Raquel ist verliebt in Sanet, doch es gibt ein grosses Problem.

102 %
CHF 5’120
73 backers
Identity - Debut EP



I am Maira - a singer/songwriter from Basel. I want to record five of my own songs in a recording studio. Therefore, I need YOUR help!

106 %
CHF 2’655
49 backers
Save the Bees

Science, Startup, and Environment


Save the Bees

by Pascal and Willi

The varroa mite is the main reason for bee deaths, we have found a solution to defeat the parasite. Support us in making our innovation accessible to all beekeepers.

190 %
CHF 95’446
564 backers
prezit – der Abfalleimer

Startup and Technology


mit Komprimierfunktion. Die Zeit sich über schnell gefüllte Abfalleimer zu ärgern ist vorbei!
Ich möchte nun die Serienproduktion starten und brauche dazu deine Unterstützung.

185 %
CHF 74’382
434 backers
Dance for MS



Dance for MS

by Piergiorgio

Charity Event
8. Februar 2018
19:30 Uhr | Elisabethenkirche Basel.
Dance performance by professional dancers from Ballett Basel, LoopTanz and others. Money will be donated to the MS Regionalgruppe BS

101 %
CHF 4’046
22 backers
The Braswell Arts Center

Community, Performing arts, and Dance


Offering free social programs for young artists and free performances for the public. Creating a space for professional innovation for all artists and building a stronger public relationship with art.

119 %
CHF 35’725
137 backers
The Fine Art of Composting

Startup, Design, and Environment


Nie mehr organische Abfälle in deinem Kehrrichtsack. Unser ureigenst entwickelter WORMUP-Komposter, aus natürlichen Materialien zum recyceln bei dir Zuhause. Mit deiner Hilfe geht’s in die Produktion.

250 %
CHF 80’071
362 backers
Byu-Box: DIY product

Startup, Fair Trade, and Environment


Vous êtes vous déjà demandés pourquoi vous consommiez des produits chimiques et industriels? Byu-box vous invite à retrouver ce qu'est réellement un produit cosmétique naturel, écoresponsable et bio.

5 %
CHF 2’855
41 backers

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  • Successful projects since 20127,252
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 101.8 m
  • Community Members639,371