Impact Fund 2023 – Vol. 4



Impact Fund 2023 – Vol. 4

by Verein Impact2020 and Team wemakeit

Energiekrise, Umweltzerstörung und Klimaerwärmung: die Uhr tickt. Wir brauchen vielfältige Lösungen, jetzt dringender als je zuvor! Unterstütze den Impact Fund 2023! Denn wir haben nur einen Planeten.

101 %
CHF 254’564
2628 backers
Depression entstigmatisieren

Journalism, Community, and Literature

Aarau, Basel, and Zürich

Ein Projekt für Betroffene mit Depressionen, Angehörige und interessierte Mitmenschen.

122 %
CHF 1’220
16 backers
Stadtschrift Mauerschau

Exhibition and Community


We started collecting historical shop signs 6 years ago. In order to preserve this cultural heritage of the city, we want to display selected original signs again on a public fire wall.

121 %
EUR 12’105
130 backers
this human world

Film, Community, and Festival


this human world

by this human world

this human world – International Human Rights Film Festival needs your support for the 9th edition, which takes place in between Dec 1st and Dec 11 in Vienna, Austria.

104 %
EUR 28’546
250 backers

Make your project take off

You have a project and we are in the crowdfunding business. Get your funding now and make sure people start hearing about your idea. If you have questions or need professional crowdfunding advice, our experts are happy to help you.

  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,534
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 106.3 m
  • Community Members673,949