Samuel Grandchamp

Jeremy Ratib - Recording LP1


Geneva and Zürich

My first full length album is nearly complete and I need your support for the final stretch. It would be a dream to record it in the company of other musicians, but I can't do it without your help!

73 %
CHF 4’380
16 days to go




by Cavales

Portrait délicat d’un passage brutal à l’âge adulte, le court-métrage Cavales a besoin de votre soutien!

106 %
CHF 4’990
55 backers
The Master Plan



The Master Plan

by The I-Twins

Camille and Quentin, the twins from the vocal reggae duet The I-Twins are preparing their second album, which will be released in spring 2017, under the name «The Master Plan».

110 %
CHF 6’640
56 backers

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