Sheng-Fang Chiu

"AMANTI" CD recording



Support us in producing a thrilling CD recording, showcasing the talent of singer and multi-instrumentalist Bettina Simon!

100 %
EUR 10’058
38 sostenitori
Trio Klavis & Peter Turrini

Musica e letteratura


On the album «In the name of love» music and poetry tell stories of love, fears and hopes of an adolescent. Trio Klavis plays music by their saxophonist Miha Ferk, Peter Turrini reads Peter Turrini.

102 %
EUR 8’200
54 sostenitori
opia | CD Produktion


Vienna, Colonia e Passavia

as you like it. – opias musikalisches Wechselspiel, das es bald auf CD geben soll! Musik aus Renaissance, Frühbarock und eigener Feder: Humorvoll, intim, lebendig & mit einem kleinen Augenzwinkern.

110 %
EUR 16’545
90 sostenitori
Synesthetic Project: Tour

Musica, arti sceniche e danza


Synesthetic Project is taking it’s three productions on a tour as well as on video! Grab a ticket for a live performance (at last) and help us bring our shows online for those who can’t.

104 %
EUR 7’290
70 sostenitori
i Flautisti–10th birthday CD



i Flautisti–10th birthday CD

di i flautisti - The London Recorder Quartet

In 2019, we are celebrating our 10th anniversary with concerts and events. On top of that, we are working on a new CD in order to share this very special moment of the ensemble with all of you!

100 %
EUR 6’610
47 sostenitori
Wandervögel – Trüffelräuber



Wandervögel – Trüffelräuber

di Raphael Widmann e Bryan Davis Benner

This is your chance to pre-order «Trüffelräuber», the newest album by Die Wandervögel. If you enjoyed our EP «Schenket Ein», soon you’ll have a full length album of our new take on the folk songs of A

117 %
EUR 6’504
82 sostenitori

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  • Progetti realizzati dal 20127’534
  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiCHF 105.9 Mio
  • Membri della community673’967