Silvia & Ben Kiss:

Impact Fund 2023 – Vol. 4



Impact Fund 2023 – Vol. 4

by Verein Impact2020 and Team wemakeit

Energiekrise, Umweltzerstörung und Klimaerwärmung: die Uhr tickt. Wir brauchen vielfältige Lösungen, jetzt dringender als je zuvor! Unterstütze den Impact Fund 2023! Denn wir haben nur einen Planeten.

101 %
CHF 254’564
2628 backers
Bli Bli Dressing

Fashion, Technology, and Environment


Bli Bli Dressing

by Régis, Oxana, and Sonya

Bli Bli is an ecological innovation for second hand. Instead of sending the item by mail, buyers and sellers are connected through relay stores in their regions.

200 %
CHF 50’000
61 backers
KUORI – waste turns material

Startup, Technology, and Environment


Banana and nutshells are becoming with us the product of the future. Support us in the development of our biodegradable, elastic and bio-based alternative plastic.

204 %
CHF 51’200
250 backers
CLOUD, refreshing the city

Architecture and Environment


Let’s fight heat islands together! We are developing a cloud shaped wooden structure, activated by a network of water sprays. The installation will take place this summer in Onex (GE).

103 %
CHF 6’742
39 backers
Tsü Klima Watchdog

Journalism, Community, and Environment


Willst du wissen, wie weit Netto-Null noch entfernt ist? Dann unterstütze hier den Klima-Watchdog, der dir die Wirkung von jedem neuen Gesetz und jeder neuen Massnahme zeigt. Wir schauen hin.

214 %
CHF 53’532
342 backers
NOW Care Instant Soaps

Startup, Community, and Environment

Lausanne and Bern

NOW Care Instant Soaps

by NOW Care - Larina

We’re explorers, We’re curious, We're NOW Care.
Make minimal-waste your lifestyle with our instant soap powder. Powder + Water + Shake = a practical and earth-friendly shower.

100 %
CHF 40’314
605 backers
Impact Fund 2022: Vol. 3



Impact Fund 2022: Vol. 3

by Verein Impact2020 and Team wemakeit

The climate needs our continued commitment! With your help, the Impact Fund supports crowdfunding projects for a greener future for the third time. Time is running out, so get involved!

121 %
CHF 302’560
3207 backers

Make your project take off

You have a project and we are in the crowdfunding business. Get your funding now and make sure people start hearing about your idea. If you have questions or need professional crowdfunding advice, our experts are happy to help you.

  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,207
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 101 m
  • Community Members631,345