Ursula Gfeller

Film, Journalism, and Community
Bukavu and Jerusalem
«Pieces» (Dokumentarfilm)
by Leila Kühni and Tanja Polli

Science, Publishing, and Community
Zürich, Biel/Bienne, and Bern
Rette das FemInfo!
by FemWiss

Fashion, Fair Trade, and Community
Kenia and Lodungokwe
Corona: Massai-Frauen helfen
by Massai Art&Heart

Science, agriculture, and Environment
Climate protection practice
by water4earth

Food and Fair Trade
Zürich, Camporeale, and Syracuse
Crowd Container #2
by Crowd Container

Food, Startup, and Fair Trade
Kozhikode and Zurich
Crowd Container
by Crowd Container

Publishing and Literature
Santa Maria Val Müstair
Menschliche Regungen #2
by Tim Krohn

Publishing and Literature
Ein neuer Münchhausen
by Stefan Howald and Bernhard Wiebel